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Locally engaged, Broadly inclusive, Deeply relevant
We know that life can bring times of difficulties, and the pastors and church members are here to help during those times. If you need spiritual help we offer many ways for you to receive it, from one-on-one conversation to the simple yet comforting act of reading a passage from the Bible. If you find yourself in a situation where one of our Caring Ministry resources might be able to assist you, please call our Coordinator of Caring Ministries,
Cathy Wilcox, Phone: 860-454-8829.
A reminder from the pastors: if you are admitted to the hospital for any reason, or have a pastoral concern – please remember to contact the church office. Due to current laws, it is impossible for the ministers to access information directly from the hospital.
Called to Care Team
Called to Care are church members who provide emotional and spiritual care. These volunteers provide caring, listening, prayer, support and encouragement.
Need a Lift?
Rides are provided for those in need of transportation to doctor’s appointments, medical procedures or errands during special circumstances.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
This group consists of new and regular knitters who gather to knit and bless shawls to be given to those in need of healing, prayer and comfort both within our church family and beyond.
Bereavement Receptions
This group provides receptions for family and friends to gather in their shared grief following funerals or memorial services.
Pastoral & Caring Minitries
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