Locally engaged, Broadly inclusive, Deeply relevant
Outreach & Response
“With open minds and compassionate hearts, we seek to be God’s loving hands in the world.” This is our mission as a church, and we try to live it out by reaching beyond our church’s walls to serve those in need. Below are just some of the ways in which we are seeking to live this out and we welcome all to join us as we try to be God’s hands and feet in the world!
Outreach & Response
Boy Scouts &
Girl Scouts USA
We are proud to offer space in our church building, and support during our annual Scout Sunday worship service, to numerous are Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops.
Foodshare Mobile
Every other Thursday at 10am we welcome the Foodshare Mobile Unit to our church parking lot, where those in need are offered produce and other food with no questions asked. Please feel free to join us on any of our assigned weeks!
Tolland Green Learning Center
We created and continue to support this nursery school and before/after school program for the youth in our community.
Local Family Outreach
As called upon, we offer assistance to members of the church and members of the community who find themselves in hard times.
Cornerstone Soup
Each month, on the 3rd Saturday, we serve a meal to those in need at this Vernon soup kitchen.
Tolland Food Pantry
Every week we collect food items to be donated to the food pantry here in Tolland, serving our neighbors in need.
South Park Inn
Members of the church serve a meal to those in need at this Hartford shelter the 1st Friday of the month. Desserts are made in advance so there are multiple ways to serve this ministry.
Free Forever School
We were a major contributor in the creation of the Free Forever School in India which helps to house and educate girls and keep them safe from sex trafficking. We continue to support the school and a student there named Loki.
Biloxi Mission Trip
In 2015 we sent a group to Biloxi to support the ongoing rebuilding efforts in recovery from Hurricane Katrina and Rita.
Service Project
In 2017 church members and friends traveled to Kentucky to help rebuild homes of those in need.
Refugee Resettlement
In 2017 we joined with our Catholic and Muslim sisters and brothers to help to resettle a Syrian refugee family.
Silver Lake
We offer both financial support and scholarships to church members to attend our Connecticut Conference Outdoor Ministries Summer Camp.
Untrimmed Tree
During Advent we choose a number of charities and organizations and then “untrim” a Christmas tree—offering our financial support with each ornament removed. In 2023 we raised $1785 for 3 organizations: PFlag, Cornerstone Foundation, and Hockanum Valley Community Center.
Tolland Care & Share
At Thanksgiving and Christmas our Church School collects food donations for baskets given out to those in need in Tolland.
And so much more......
Join us to see how you can lend a hand reaching out to service our community and the world!