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We are so glad you are here today! The presence of children is a gift to our congregation. They are a reminder that our congregation is growing, that our values matter not just today but in generations to come. We hope that you will find comfort and joy during your time here. Please know that God put the wiggles in children; don’t feel you have to suppress them in God’s house. All are welcome at UCCT! Knowing that every child and every family is different, we hope to provide space for your family to feel comfortable here. 

Welcome Families!


Baptism is one of the sacraments in our church, marking one's welcome into the Christian faith and our faith community.  ​Here at UCCT we practice both infant and adult baptisms for members and non-members alike. For infants and young children, parents or guardians make promises on behalf of the child, which the child can later "confirm" for themselves as a young adult. Adults who have not been baptized before may come seeking that same welcome, or to bless a new chapter in their life or journey of faith. ​


We perform baptisms throughout the church year. Normally these take place during a Sunday morning worship service, though at times exceptions are permitted. If you are interested in learning more about baptism for yourself or your child(ren), please complete the form using the button below. We look forward to hearing from you!

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